Over the years, celebrities have seized up on the power of social media tools such as Twitter to boost their star power. When people like Justin Bieber and Katy Perry send out a single tweet, millions of fans around the world see it on their feed and retweet back and forth. Seems like a great way of getting your name out there if you are a Hollywood type, no? Well, for some celebrities, Twitter is not exactly the sort of playground they would want to dabble in, and the reasons for this are as varied as the celebrities themselves.
Here is a rundown of A-list celebrities that don’t use Twitter:
1.Brad Pitt
A long time ago(in the Hollywood time zone at least) Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were the most powerful couple in the world. Back then, the pair admitted to not being enthusiasts of Twitter or any other because it’s a ‘scary world’.
2. Jake Gyllenhaal
Rachel McAdams’s former flame has plenty of fans egging him on to get on the Twitter train but the actor feels a strong distaste for the whole social media thing, calling it very ‘distasteful.’
3. Daniel Radcliffe
In an interview with Sky News, the Harry Potter sensation opined that he keeps away from Twitter because of the firm belief that what is private should stay private.
4. Benedict Cumberbatch 
The Sherlock actor has said time and again that he struggles to be concise, which is probably a serious weakness if you are tweeting. He says that given his inaccuracies, tweets would spiral out of control and take way too long to edit.
5. Rachel McAdams
According to the Official Website of McAdams, Rachel loves a lot of things, but television is certainly not one of them. Email is also something she is averse to. And at some point, she admitted that she wasn’t aware that Twitter even existed even up to when a lot of people around her were blazing the trail on the site.
6. George Clooney
Clooney seems to have had too much of media already and feels that the worst thing any celebrity can do is ‘make themselves more available’. He stays away from the Twitter because he knows that there are some brash comments that can basically ‘kill your career’.
7. Bradley Cooper
You might remember him for the selfie that essentially sent Twitter on a spin, but the actor is pretty old-fashioned and laid-back about his public exposure. He generally stays away from Twitter and shuns any sort of publicity.
8. Jennifer Lawrence
While everyone around the world awaits with bated breath ,the actress remains unfazed. She says that she won’t be going gaga over Twitter any time soon because ‘it’s confusing’ to her and those around her.
9. Emma Thompson
According to Emma Thompson, staying connected all the time is ‘unbearable’ . She feels she’d rather ‘go for root canal treatment’ for the rest of her life rather than keep switching between tweets and retweets.
10. Sandra Bullock
Her reason for shunning social media in general and Twitter in particular is because she doesn’t want ‘everyone to know where I am all the time’. Well put.